Friday, September 9, 2011

Montessori Beginnings- Roll the ball

Balls were a favorite for C when he was one.  R has taken a liking to babies and stuffed animals.  However, she recently learned how to throw. It is pretty funny as she throws with her arm off to the side.  C has a great arm and has since he was her age.

What you can do is have them sit across from you with their legs open like a V. Practice rolling the ball back and forth.  We have done this with all of them just make a circle and have everyone open their legs so they are touching the next persons foot. When rolling it around  we talk about sharing and taking turns.  "It is R's turn, T roll it R." "F isn't it nice that they are sharing".  I think this reinforces it when they are pointed out the nice things they do are doing.


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